Liza M. Leiss

There is something about the Art of Writing...

voice. expression.devotion.

Paradoxically, you are finding a video on this page -
to me, it is just one way to express my voice, my thoughts,
my writings…, my teachings, my ideas, my heart and my soul.

You see...

there is no right way to express yourself. there is just yours. dare. to. speak.

The video got inspired by a client who was confused.
by the noises around her, by the must’s and should’s. Lost in her own mind, losing connection to what feels most right to her. Her voice.


Maybe because she never knew her voice?



No one else can live it only by reading, we can taste its vastness.

I have always been drawn to express my experience 

on a plane, the paper bag is my canvas.

in a café, I will fill the entire back of the receipt and the front.

Anything will do.
napkins, business cards, flyers, newspaper, any scrap of paper; really.

Join the waitlist for a new chapter of mine

share. your. heart.

you are the writer
of your own script.